Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Warszawa Poland

Polish national flag. Poland 312,685 sq km, population almost 39 million. Warszawa ,or Warsaw as we know it, has been the capital since 1596
Poland has had a turbulent history, that it remains as a vibrant positive country is a testimony to its amazing people. Most recently as in the WW2 time it suffered greatly, of Warsaws 1.2 million inhabitants half million perished during WW2. 95% of the old town was totally destroyed and over in the Prada area 70% destroyed, then they were under Russian control for the next 45 years. Would be enough to drive anyone to drink. Vodka is very popular, as is beer, both cheap.
We decided the best way to see, explore and learn more about a city is to go on a walking tour, so this we did. We were very lucky to get an excellent guide, Jacek, not only did he know his stuff, he had a sense of humor and he had a good strong voice.
Jacek next to Jewish Warsaw Gehetto memorial
Used to be a tax on the width of your house, note the house in the corner that is 1 window wide
This is the back of the same house
Old Town Square , this had all been totally destroyed, rebuilt late 70's then UNESCO listed

Memorial to Warsaw Uprising
Old town Wall

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Totally fascinating. Love the tiny house - we lived in one like that in Sydney in the 1970s. You had to squeeze past the bed in the front room (actually was a mattress on the floor) just to get rest of the house. I remember having a prominent psychiatrist to dinner and the dining/lounge area was so small, he sat on the plate of meatballs I had put on one of the chairs ... Fridge was balanced on back step with a pile of bricks.
