So our journey begins westwards, first the Elbe Havel Kanal, about 50km long , we then come to the Elbe River which we cross over via way of an aquaduct.
This aquaduct first began construction in the 30's , never got finish because of WW2 , then this part of Germany under Russian occupation up until late 80's and nothing done to complete it. It wasn't until the reunification of Germany that the project started up again in late 90's and completed in 2003. It spans 662mt and is one of the longest in Europe.
The old lock that took boats from the Midland Kanal down onto the Elbe was in operation from 1938 to 2013. After being closed for a couple of years it is now operating again ( with a bunch of enthusiastic volunteers )as a tourist attraction.This is a 'bath' style lock, boats go into bath cart, doors shut and bath cart lowered down, gates open boat drives out.
Look very carefully and you can see boat that has entered bath cart. Way over in background you can just see aquaduct
Look again carefully, and you can see noat has gone down
Obviously this old lock not large enough for the large commercial traffic of todays wsterways so another large lock built . This one interesting because the water empties into holding tanks over to one side, when it needs to fill again it takes water from these tanks and fills lock

This aquaduct first began construction in the 30's , never got finish because of WW2 , then this part of Germany under Russian occupation up until late 80's and nothing done to complete it. It wasn't until the reunification of Germany that the project started up again in late 90's and completed in 2003. It spans 662mt and is one of the longest in Europe.
The old lock that took boats from the Midland Kanal down onto the Elbe was in operation from 1938 to 2013. After being closed for a couple of years it is now operating again ( with a bunch of enthusiastic volunteers )as a tourist attraction.This is a 'bath' style lock, boats go into bath cart, doors shut and bath cart lowered down, gates open boat drives out.

Obviously this old lock not large enough for the large commercial traffic of todays wsterways so another large lock built . This one interesting because the water empties into holding tanks over to one side, when it needs to fill again it takes water from these tanks and fills lock

They've just finished the widening of the Panama Canal - same reason: not big enough for modern boats.