Monday, 29 August 2016

Postcards from Amsterdam

Have just had 10 days moored in Weesp about 12km from centre of Amsterdam, what a gorgeous city.
Saturday is moving day, houses are so tall and narrow that moving furniture is done out the windows, we held our breath watching these guys trying to manouver this cupboard out the window. In the end they had to give up.
Cattery in the middle of Amsterdam
A guest at our table for lunch one day

Do love a pretty bike
bike parking at Amsterdam rail station
Button shop, love the door handles

Saturday, 20 August 2016

The week so far in the Nethetlands

Arrived into Ter Apel NL from Heran D on a tiny canal, weather wet, cold and windy. For next couple of days we pottered along tiny , cute canal, swing and lift bridges abound.

A weekend moored near open air peat museum,
though for a moment I was out at Hume Weir

left the small canals behind & out onto bigger waters

Getting nearer to Amsterdam , we plan to spend a week here, moored about 15km from centre

Wednesday, 17 August 2016


A days trip to Bremen , primarily to take Helga to train so she could return to Denmark, but we also made a 'day of it' doing some sightseeing.
Bremen , records of inhabitants for 1000's of years, was once an important Hanseatic town. Severly damaged in WW2 but largely rebuilt so that you can hardly tell the difference between old and new.

town symbol, this the original statue, many variations on a theme around the city.

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Lovely week

Just put Knud's mum Helga on the train back to Denmark. Been a lovely week together, started in Hannover, continued westwards along Mittellandkanal then when we got to the Dortmund Ems Kanal turned right and continued to Lingen , where Linquenda sits now.
Knud and Helga

not as much room on Dortmund Ems Kanal

Friday, 5 August 2016


Almost come to the end of Mittellandkanal, just 5km to junction of Mittellandkanal & Dortmund Elms Kanal, then we turn right.
Such a mixture of commercial, industrial and surprisingly large amount of rural landscape. Have really enjoyed this canal.

Monday, 1 August 2016

Things that make me happy

Arrived here to Hannover Friday..On our way over Germany 2 years ago had 1 day here so although we did some exploring ( see blog from 2 years ago) it is lovely to have a few extra days to really get a feel for the place.
The heat and humidity have been replaced with cooler conditions plus a bit of rain, no complaints from me that is for sure.
Do love a wimsical statue and they abound around the streets of Hannover

Bet this guy is glad its not too windy
Big Swing Band at the Maschseefest , a 3 week long music festivsl in Hannover, lots of free concerts, how good is that!