A relaxing train trip, a change of trains in Magdaburg, then Leipzig then hey presto we were in Dresden, on time and without buses being involved. ( I know , a snide dig at VicRail)
Dresden, founded in 1206 , Capital of the state of Saxony, nestled in the Elbe River Valley near the Czech border. Population of half million in the city itself plus another 2 million in the surrounds.
Severely bombed by the Brits and Americans towards the end of WW2, the entire city centre destroyed and 25,000people, mainly civilians killed. Lots of restoration work gone on since.
Baroque and Rococo architecture abounds. We are staying in the old part of town, beautiful.
Of course what stay in a German city would be complete without a trip to a car factory. Here VW produce their Phaeton car in what they call Die Gläserne Manufaktur , or the Transparent Factory.
A factory tour was the plan for today where we were supposed to see the production line in action. The only problem with doing a midday tour is that all the worker's are at lunch and the production line stopped, oh well still interesting , sort of.

Knud looking forward to the tour
Beautiful afternoon so before the promised rain arrives a walk in the Großer Garten

Palace in the gardens

Sunlight filtering through the trees , beautiful