Knud on Trondheim station |
John, Denese & Knud |
A civilized start, train leaving just after 8 from Trondheim so no need to rush the massive smorgasbord breakfast. The Norwegians & Swedes really know how to do a breakfast, helps if you love herrings , which we do.
So onto the train, again more stunning scenery, train travel really is the best.
Got into Oslo and had 3 hour wait for train to Trollhättan and what better way to pass the time than with our friends Denese & John Brittain. We originally met Denese, John and their boys Martin & Paul when they came out to Australia 30 years ago, John had a year working with the Perter Till Laboratory in Thurgoona on some sort of a university exchange. So we have kept in touch, visited each other and so today we caught up again for a couple of lovely hours.
6pm and time for next train to Trollhättan. 3& half hours latter we arrived, not much to see so far as it was dark on arrival however Friday has dawned, not bright and sunny but at least not pouring with rain.
Today is the day we go to the Saab museum, guess who is getting excited about the visit?